Sebagai pendiri sekaligus
pimpinan dari perusahaan dengan kapitalisasi pasar mendekati 1 triliun
dollar AS, CEO Amazon Jeff Bezos tentu sudah khatam mengenai ilmu-ilmu
menjalani bisnis.
Bezos memulai pada tahun 1994 sebagai sebuah toko buku
online. Di awal-awal mengembangkan perusahaannya, Bezos hanya memiliki
kantor kecil yang dua dekade kemudian mampu menghasilkan 177 miliar
dollar AS per tahun. Sementara itu, kepemilikan bersihnya dari
perusahaan yang dia rintis tersebut lebih dari 160 miliar dollar AS.
Dia juga memiliki bisnis-bisnis sampingan, termasuk perusahaan
wisata luar angkasa Blue Origin, juga kepemilikan atas Washington Post.
Berikut adalah tips Bezos mengenai cara mengelola bisnsi yang sukses:
1. Mulai dari hal kecil Bezos menyukai hal-hal yang dimulai dari
kecil dan lebih personal, terutama ketika membangun sebuah perusahaan
baru.Dia mengatakan, Amazon hanya memiliki 5 karyawan di awal-awal waktu
berdirinya "Mungkin sulit bagi kalian mengingatnya, tapi bagi saya ini
seperti baru saja berkendara sendiri untuk mengantar paket-paket ke
kantor pos sembari berharap suatu hari nanti bisa menyewa forklift,"
ujar Bezos.
2. Ikuti Intuisi Di dunia bisnis, Bezos beranggapan, naluri lebih
penting dari data. "Jika Anda dapat membuat keputusan dengan analisis,
Anda harus melakukannya. Tetapi ternyata dalam hidup Anda bahwa
keputusan terpenting selalu dibuat dengan naluri dan intuisi," katanya.
3. Tidur adalah Penting Seperti pendiri Huffington Post Arianna
Huffington, Bezos sangat mendukung pentingnya istirahat malam, terlepas
dari betapa padatnya jadwal yang dia miliki. Bezos mengatakan, setiap
malam dia tidur selama 8 jam. "Sebagai seorang eksekutif senior, Anda
dibayar untuk membuat sedikit keputusan tetapi berkualitas tinggi. Tugas
Anda bukanlah membuat ribuan keputusan setiap hari."
4. Jadwalkan pertemuan penting lebih awal Bezos mengatakan bahwa
dia menjadwalkan pertemuan-pertemuan yang membutuhkan “IQ tinggi” jam 10
pagi, sebelum dia kelelahan setelah bekerja seharian. "Pekerjaan apa
pun yang akan benar-benar menantang secara mental, akan dilakukan jam
10," katanya. “Dan jam 5 sore (ketika harus dihadapkan pada hal yang
sulit) Saya akan mengatakan, 'Saya tidak bisa memikirkan itu hari ini.
Mari coba lagi besok jam 10 pagi," ujar dia.
5. Berpikir jauh ke depan Sebagai pengguna awal e-commerce sebagai
sebuah platform jual-beli, Amazon telah mengembangkan reputasi menjadi
bisnis e-commerce yang terdepan. Bezos berpendapat bahwa berpikir ke
depan, terkadang bertahun-tahun sebelumnya, adalah bagian penting dari
setiap perusahaan yang sukses. “Semua eksekutif senior kami beroperasi
dengan cara yang sama seperti saya. Mereka bekerja di masa depan, mereka
hidup di masa depan," kata dia
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Windows 10 is a great operating system, but to work at its best it also
BalasHapusrequires regular updates, high performance hardware and, ideally, between 10
to 20GBs of free disk space. If you haven’t organized any one of these as well
as you could, this can stop you from having a fast computer. Prog Frog
If you’ve been typing online searches like, “how to make my computer faster” and
not gotten very far, you can speed up your computer with these great prog
Restart your computer
If you notice your computer speed dropping for the first time, shut down your machine
when you’re not using it instead of leaving it in sleep or hibernate mode. A full shutdown
closes all running programs and prevents your PC from getting clogged up by unnecessary processes.
Obviously, make sure you’ve saved all your work before doing this. Auto Pliot
Disable unnecessary startup apps
Some programs start running once you log in to your computer. For a fast computer, you should disable
some apps. To deactivate them, open the taskbar (‘Ctrl’ + ‘Alt’ + ‘Del’) go to ‘Task Manager’ and then
click the ‘Startup’ tab within the menu. Remember that some of these startup processes may be useful to
you and your system. Think carefully about which apps or programs you don’t normally use when you start up
your PC each day and then disable them. Frog Seo
Run regular updates
Regular updates do not reduce computer speed. However, they can remedy security weaknesses as well as performance issues
ith Windows, so it’s something worth doing on a regular basis. Prog Frog
Clean up your hard drive
Your computer has a built-in app called ‘Disk Cleanup’ that you can find and select via the search bar on Windows 10’s
‘Start Menu’. It helps to eliminate files you no longer need. Choose files, program downloads, thumbnails, and offline
pages that you want to delete. The app also calculates the memory you can free up by deleting certain files.
Windows 10 is a great operating system, but to work at its best it also
BalasHapusrequires regular updates, high performance hardware and, ideally, between 10
to 20GBs of free disk space. If you haven’t organized any one of these as well
as you could, this can stop you from having a fast computer. Prog Frog
If you’ve been typing online searches like, “how to make my computer faster” and
not gotten very far, you can speed up your computer with these great prog
Restart your computer
If you notice your computer speed dropping for the first time, shut down your machine
when you’re not using it instead of leaving it in sleep or hibernate mode. A full shutdown
closes all running programs and prevents your PC from getting clogged up by unnecessary processes.
Obviously, make sure you’ve saved all your work before doing this. Auto Pliot
Disable unnecessary startup apps
Some programs start running once you log in to your computer. For a fast computer, you should disable
some apps. To deactivate them, open the taskbar (‘Ctrl’ + ‘Alt’ + ‘Del’) go to ‘Task Manager’ and then
click the ‘Startup’ tab within the menu. Remember that some of these startup processes may be useful to
you and your system. Think carefully about which apps or programs you don’t normally use when you start up
your PC each day and then disable them. Frog Seo
Run regular updates
Regular updates do not reduce computer speed. However, they can remedy security weaknesses as well as performance issues
ith Windows, so it’s something worth doing on a regular basis. Prog Frog
Clean up your hard drive
Your computer has a built-in app called ‘Disk Cleanup’ that you can find and select via the search bar on Windows 10’s
‘Start Menu’. It helps to eliminate files you no longer need. Choose files, program downloads, thumbnails, and offline
pages that you want to delete. The app also calculates the memory you can free up by deleting certain files.
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"But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?"Kopi Frog
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